- Project Dawn – Free Naloxone (Narcan) kits
- Two nasal spray 8mg units of naloxone.
- Carried on our Ambulances
- Used to reverse Opoid overdose
- Sound the Alarm – Free Smoke Alarms
- Smoke alarms installed for Scioto Twp residents.
- 10 year lithium ion batteries.
- In conjunction with the American Red Cross.
- Project Breathe – Pet Oxygen Masks
- Each Engine and Ambulance is equipped with special masks designed for oxygen administration to animals. This is free from Invisible Fence Project Breathe.
For more information or to request a Project Dawn Narcan kit or to schedule a free smoke alarm instillation, please contact Firefighter/EMT Russ Aikman at Scioto1200PIO@gmail.com or you can call the Scioto Township Hall and leave a message for him. (740) 775-1431.
Community Fire Prevention Event Photos